Canvit Healthy Treats Mobility 200g for Dogs
Complete joint nutrition for dogs in tasty snack form
A healthy snack for healthy joints

Functional snack with chicken as an excellent source of complex joint nutrition and a tasty way to reward your dog everyday.

Articular cartilage has limited potential for self-renewal and regeneration. With age, it begins to break down and become damaged. Slowing the breakdown of articular cartilage and improving its ability to regenerate is achieved by supplying the joints with the building blocks of cartilage in the form of joint nutrition. The elementary components of cartilage and joint structures are glucosamine, chondroitin, and collagen. Other substances that suppress inflammatory processes and pain include MSM, hyaluronic acid, ESM (eggshell membrane), and various herbs, such as cat’s claw.

Canvit Mobility Health Care Snack provides regular intake of complex nutrition for healthy, flexible joints. And it tastes great too.

Complementary dog food.Composition:
potatoes, chicken (15%), liquid starch, herring oil (5%), hydrolyzed chicken liver, collagen, glucosamine sulphate (15 g/kg), egg shell membrane (10 g/kg), chondroitin sulphate (8 g/kg), methylsulfonylmethane (6 g/kg), dried cat´s claw (Uncaria tomentosa, 1 g/kg).
29.60 SR 29.6 SAR
Canvit Healthy Treats Skin & Coat 200g for Dogs
Canvit Health Care Snacks Skin & Coat For Adult Dogs ( Salmon ) 200 g
Support for healthy skin and thick coat in tasty snack form
A healthy snack for healthy skin and coat

Functional snack with salmon an a complex and irresistibly tasty source of vitamins, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids for healthy skin and coat.

The coat and skin are the body’s first layer of defence against the negative influences of the environment. In order for the skin to provide protection, its metabolism requires an adequate source of vitamins, microelements, and amino acids, such as biotin, vitamins B2, B3, B5, zinc, and methionine. With their anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids are also important to skin health and function.

Canvit Skin & Coat Health Care Snack provides regular intake of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids for healthy skin and a thick, shiny coat. And it tastes great too.
24.05 SR 24.05 SAR
Canvit Healthy Treats Immunity 200g for Dogs
Active immune system support in a tasty snack form

A healthy snack for healthy immunity

Functional snack with lamb as a complex and irresistibly tasty source of beta-glucans, vitamins, spirulina, and rosehip for active immune system support.

The primary job of the immune system is to detect and eliminate infections and tumours and repair damaged or injured tissue. Chronic infection, inflammation, and tumours have developed ways to avoid detection and elimination by the immune system. The walls of yeast cells, omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, spirulina, and rosehip are natural substances that boost the immune system.

Canvit Immunity Health Care Snack provides regular intake of active substances that support immune system function. And it tastes great too
24.05 SR 24.05 SAR
Canvit Healthy Treats Antiparasitic 200g for Dogs
Canvit Health Care Snacks Anti parasitic For Adult Dogs ( Lamb ) 200 g. Support for healthy digestion in tasty snack form
A healthy snack for healthy digestion

Functional and irresistibly tasty snack with lamb, garlic, chamomile, mint, omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, and collagen for healthy digestion.

The digestive system of a healthy dog contains an immense quantity of friendly bacteria, which are important for proper digestion. In the case of sensitive digestion, the balance of bacteria in the intestines is disrupted, leading to irritation of the intestinal mucosa and digestive problems. Garlic, chamomile, and mint have antiseptic properties and sooth irritation.

Canvit Antiparasitic Health Care Snack sooths the intestinal mucosa in dogs with sensitive digestion. And it tastes great too.
24.05 SR 24.05 SAR
Canvit Sport 100g for Dogs
Canvit Sport 100g for Dogs.

Provides energy, amino acids, vitamins, omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, and probiotics to maintain endurance and condition and promote regeneration in active and sporting dogs.

Sporting and active dogs require increased intake of amino acids and vitamins for proper muscle development and to maintain endurance and condition. Canvit Sport is an excellent source of readily available energy, amino acids, vitamins, and omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids for active and sporting dogs
67.71 SR 67.71000000000001 SAR
Canvit Chondro Mobility Improvement 100g for Dogs
Complete joint nutrition for dogs

Canvit Chondro is a source of complex joint nutrition for growing and healthy dogs. It regenerates and protects cartilage and ligaments and improves the mobility of joints as they develop, grow, and are subjected to normal everyday stresses.

Articular cartilage has limited potential for self-renewal and regeneration. With age, it begins to break down and become damaged. Slowing the breakdown of articular cartilage and improving its ability to regenerate is achieved by supplying the joints with the building blocks of cartilage in the form of joint nutrition. The elementary components of cartilage and joint structures are glucosamine, chondroitin, and collagen.

Chondroitin sulphate binds water, maintains the elasticity of cartilage, and blocks enzymes that damage cartilage. Glucosamine sulphate stimulates the metabolism of chondrocytes and slows cartilage degeneration. Type II collagen protects the strength and elasticity of cartilage and joint structures. Vitamin C is essential for the metabolism of collagen and protects cells against oxidative damage. COMPOSITION:
lactose, yeasts, collagen (10%), cellulose, glucosamine (70,000 mg/kg), hydrolyzed liver, chondroitin sulphate (42,000 mg/kg), dicalcium phosphate, magnesium oxide.
76.86 SR 76.86 SAR
Canvit Junior Mobility Improvement 100g for Dogs
Canvit Junior Mobility Improvement is a supplement specially formulated for young dogs to support and improve joint mobility and overall skeletal health during growth. This supplement contains a blend of essential nutrients, including glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, and vitamins, which promote the healthy development of joints, ligaments, and cartilage. Canvit Junior Mobility Improvement also helps in preventing joint issues in growing puppies, ensuring they grow strong and active.

Key Benefits:

Supports joint development and mobility in young dogs
Promotes healthy cartilage, ligaments, and joints
Aids in the prevention of joint disorders as dogs grow
Contains glucosamine, chondroitin, and collagen for enhanced skeletal health
Ideal for active and fast-growing puppies.
69.54 SR 69.54 SAR
Canvit Probio 100g for Dogs
Canvit Probio 100g for Dogs. Probiotic for healthy digestion

Complex of probiotic Enterococcus faecium, prebiotics, beta-glucans, and vitamins for healthy digestion and formation of firm, odourless stools.

The digestive system contains an immense quantity of friendly (nonpathogenic) bacteria, which are important for digestion and immunity. In the event of digestive system disease or during antibiotic therapy, the balance of bacteria in the intestines is disrupted, leading to overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria. This change results in diarrhoea, soft stools, and increased flatulence. Canvit Probio is a complex of probiotics, prebiotics, and vitamins that prevents overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and supports intestinal immunity during diarrhoea and antibiotic therapy.COMPOSITION:
yeasts, inulin (25%), whey, hydrolyzed liver, 1,3 / 1,6 glucans (10,500 mg/kg).
86.01 SR 86.01 SAR
Canvit Immuno Booster 100g for Dogs
Canvit Immuno 100g Dog Supplement is a complex of activated beta-glucans, mannan oligosaccharides (MOS), vitamins, and trace elements to actively support and boost the immune system.

Canvit Immuno is a source of activated beta-glucans from the cell walls of yeast that activate cells in the immune system and promote the production of antibodies, thus increasing the immune system’s ability to detect infections and tumour cells.

Vitamins and microelements provide important active immune system support.


Boosts immunity during illness and convalescence

Promotes production of antibodies and activates immune system for vaccination

Accelerates healing and convalescence after surgery or injury. One tablet contains:

Immunostimulators: ß-1.3/1.6 beta-glucans 25 000 µg, mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) 150 µg

Vitamins: vitamin A 200 IU, vitamin E 3000 µg, vitamin B1 160 µg, vitamin B2 240 µg, vitamin B6 200 µg, vitamin B12 2 µg, biotin 100 µg, niacinamide 850 µg, calcium pantothenate 480 µg, folic acid 30 µg, choline chloride 19 000 µg,

Microelements: iron 400 µg, zinc 2 500 µg, zinc 1 250 µg, selenium 0.46 µg.
69.54 SR 69.54 SAR
Canvit Multivitamins Nutrimin 230g for Dogs
Canvit Multivitamins Nutrimin 230g for Dogs. Complex vitamins and minerals for dogs

Complex of 14 vitamins, microelements, and L-carnitine with excellent biological availability for balanced nutrition and prevention of hypovitaminosis in dogs fed homemade food or a BARF diet.
Homemade food and BARF diets for dogs contain sufficient quantities of protein, carbohydrates, and fat but are poor in vitamins and minerals. An example is a diet consisting of meat and bones with large quantities of phosphorus but a minimum of biologically available calcium. Long-term feeding with food poor in vitamins and minerals can cause irreversible damage to a dog’s health. Canvit Nutrimin contains a complex of 14 vitamins and organically bound mineral substances for the preparation of a balanced diet.COMPOSITION:
pea flour, dicalcium phosphate, hydrolyzed liver, monocalcium phosphate, sodium chloride, yeasts.
71.37 SR 71.37 SAR
Canvit Multivitamins Health & Condition Support 100g for Dogs
Canvit Multivitamins Health & Condition Support 100g for Dogs. Vitamins for daily care

Complex of 13 vitamins and lecithins for dogs that actively supports health, metabolism, immunity, and memory.

Vitamins play an important role in all of the body’s metabolic processes. They are essential to digestion and the absorption and conversion of nutrients in bodily tissues and also support immune system and detoxification processes. Vitamins promote proper growth, development, reproduction, and immunity and help maintain activity levels, condition, and overall health. The body requires increased intake of vitamins during growth, illness, convalescence, pregnancy, nursing, and in old age.
67.71 SR 67.71000000000001 SAR
Canvit Garlic Antiparasitic 230 tablet for Dogs
Canvit Garlic Tablets for dogs and cats 230gm

Canvit Garlic Tablets for dogs and cats 230gm
Canvit Garlic Tablets for dogs and cats 230gm
Canvit Garlic Tablets for dogs and cats 230gm
Canvit Garlic Tablets for dogs and cats 230gm
Canvit Garlic Tablets for dogs and cats 230gm
69.56 SAR
الثوم مع الكركم والبابونج لا يعزز حماية حيواناتك الأليفة من التهديدات الخارجية فحسب، بل يهتم أيضًا بصحتها الداخلية، ويدعم جهازها المناعي والهضم الصحي.

Canvit Garlic، القوة الطبيعية للثوم للحماية من الضيوف غير المرئيين في جميع الأحوال الجوية.

– الحماية في جميع الأحوال الجوية: خصائص الثوم المضادة للطفيليات والطاردة تعزز الحماية ضد الضيوف غير المرئيين.

– مناعة قوية: يساهم الكركم والبابونج في الصحة العامة والحيوية بفضل خصائصهما المضادة للالتهابات ومضادات الأكسدة المعروفة.

– دعم الجهاز الهضمي وإزالة السموم: يدعم الثوم بشكل طبيعي عملية الهضم ووظيفة الكبد، خاصة في الكلاب والقطط ذات الأجهزة الهضمية الحساسة.

مع Canvit Garlic، كل قضمة ليست لذيذة فحسب، بل مليئة أيضًا بالحماية الطبيعية ضد الضيوف غير المرئيين.

الوزن: 230 جرام

المكونات: اللاكتوز، الثوم المجفف (240.000 مجم/كجم)، اللجينوسليلوز، الكبد المتحلل، الكركم المجفف (5000 مجم/كجم)، البابونج المجفف (2000 مجم/كجم)، الثوم البري المجفف (2000 مجم/كجم).

المكونات التحليلية: بروتين خام 5,0%، دهن خام 1,0%، رطوبة 8,0%، رماد خام 6,0%، ألياف خام 4,5%، كالسيوم 0,1%، فوسفور 0,1%، صوديوم. 0,1%

المضافات الغذائية في 1 كجم: فيتامين ب12 20 ملغ.

الجرعة: تعطى الأقراص مباشرة من اليد أو تسحق في العلف. بانتظام 1 ملعقة كبيرة. لكل 5 كجم من وزن الحيوان.

Garlic with turmeric and chamomile not only strengthens your pets’ protection from external threats, but also cares for their internal health, supporting their immune system and healthy digestion.

Canvit Garlic, the natural power of garlic for protection against unseen guests in all weather.

– All-weather protection: the anti-parasitic and repellent properties of garlic strengthen protection against unseen guests.

– Strong immunity: turmeric and chamomile contribute to overall health and vitality thanks to their known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

– Digestive support and detoxification: garlic naturally supports digestion and liver function, especially in dogs and cats with sensitive digestive systems.

With Canvit Garlic, every bite is not only tasty, but also full of natural protection against unseen guests.

Weight: 230 g

Ingredients: lactose, dried garlic (240,000 mg/kg), lignocellulose, hydrolyzed liver, dried curcuma (5,000 mg/kg), dried chamomile (2,000 mg/kg), dried wild garlic (2,000 mg/kg).
90.95 SR 90.95 SAR
Canvit Healthy Treats for Skin & Coat 100g for Cats
Support for healthy skin and thick coat in tasty snack form.


Supports growth of thick and shiny coat, especially in show cats
Promotes coat growth during shedding and formation of strong claw keratin
Supports treatment of skin, coat, and claw conditions

Recommended daily dose: 3-4 cubes per 1 kg body weight.

Instructions: Feed Canvit Skin & Coat Health Care Snack directly from the hand.
18.30 SR 18.3 SAR
Canvit Healthy Treats for Urinary Care 100g for Cats
Canvit healthy treats for urinary care for Functional and irresistibly tasty snack with chicken, dried cranberries, nettle, silver birch, and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids for prevention of urinary tract infection in cats.

Prevents reoccurring urinary tract infections

Supports treatment of lower urinary tract infection in cats

Recommended daily dose: 3-4 cubes per 1kg body weight.

Instructions: Feed Canvit Urinary Health Care Snack directly from the hand.
21.96 SR 21.96 SAR
Canvit Healthy Treats for Hairball Control 100g for Cats
Canvit Hairball Health Care Snack effectively prevents the formation of hairballs. And it tastes great too. Functional and irresistibly tasty snack for hairball prevention with chicken, fish oil, apple and beetroot fiber and psyllium. Fur licking is a natural behavior for cats and serves to clean the coat. As the cat cleans her coat, she swallows a large amount of fur, which clumps together in the stomach forming hairballs. Hairballs cause the cat to vomit, and if they are large enough, they can impair the digestive system. Fish oil prevents the formation of hairballs, and fiber accelerates the passage of swallowed hairs from the stomach to the bowel.
18.30 SR 18.3 SAR
Canvit Probio 150g for Cats
Canvit Probio 150g for Cats.
Reduces pathogenic bacteria to help the barbio raise beneficial bacteria.


Supports the treatment of digestive diseases and diarrhea

Reduces the negative impact on digestion during antibiotic treatment

Improves stool consistency and reduces flatulence in cats with sensitive digestion

Recommended daily dose: 1gm per 1kg body weight.

Instructions: Mix powder into food
71.37 SR 71.37 SAR
Canvit Immuno Booster 30g for Cats
Canvit Immuno Booster 30g for Cats used in respiratory infections and curcumin to boost immunity.


To support immunity during respiratory infections and viral infections for young and adult cats.

Recommended daily dose: 1 tablets per 2 kg of body weight.

Instructions: given in food or through the hand directly.
90.95 SR 90.95 SAR
Canvit Multivitamins Nutrimin 150g for Cats
Canvit Multivitamins Nutrimin 150g for Cats. Complex vitamins and minerals with taurine for cats

Complex of 14 vitamins, microelements, and taurine with excellent biological availability for balanced nutrition and prevention of hypovitaminosis in cats fed with meat and homemade food.
Homemade food and meat for cats contain sufficient quantities of protein, carbohydrates, and fat but are poor in vitamins, minerals, and taurine. An example is the entirely common feeding of cats with meat, which contains large quantities of phosphorus but a minimum of biologically available calcium. Long-term feeding with food poor in vitamins, minerals, and taurine can cause irreversible damage to a cat’s health. Canvit Nutrimin contains a complex of 14 vitamins, organically bound microelements, and taurine for the preparation of a balanced diet.COMPOSITION:
pea flour, dicalcium phosphate, hydrolyzed liver, monocalcium phosphate, sodium chloride, yeasts.
69.17 SR 69.17 SAR
Canvit Multivitamins Health & Condition Support 100g for Cats
Canvit multi vitamin health actively supports health, metabolism, immunity, and stress resistance.


Promotes proper growth in kittens and growing cats
Supports pregnant and nursing females
Boosts immunity in times of illness and convalescence
Supports resistance to stress and helps cats overcome stressful situations

Recommended daily dose: One table per 2kg body weight.

Instructions: Feed tablets directly from the hand or crushed in food
69.17 SR 69.17 SAR
Canvit Garlic Antiparasitic 230 tablet for Cats
Garlic with turmeric and chamomile not only strengthens your pets’ protection from external threats, but also cares for their internal health, supporting their immune system and healthy digestion.

Canvit Garlic, the natural power of garlic for protection against unseen guests in all weather.

– All-weather protection: the anti-parasitic and repellent properties of garlic strengthen protection against unseen guests.

– Strong immunity: turmeric and chamomile contribute to overall health and vitality thanks to their known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

– Digestive support and detoxification: garlic naturally supports digestion and liver function, especially in dogs and cats with sensitive digestive systems.

With Canvit Garlic, every bite is not only tasty, but also full of natural protection against unseen guests.

Weight: 230 g

Ingredients: lactose, dried garlic (240,000 mg/kg), lignocellulose, hydrolyzed liver, dried curcuma (5,000 mg/kg), dried chamomile (2,000 mg/kg), dried wild garlic (2,000 mg/kg).
90.95 SR 90.95 SAR
Carnilove Treats Salmon with Mint Fresh Meat 50g for Cats
Carnilove Crunchy Snack Salmon with Mint with fresh meat

Delicious salmon snack suitable for all cats. With wild mint for healthy teeth and gums

Complementary cat food

Package: 50g. salmon 55% (40% dried salmon, 15% fresh salmon), pumpkin 12%, yellow peas 8%, chicken fat (preserved with tocopherols 7%), salmon gravy 5%, mint 4%, carrots 2%, chickpeas 2%, dried apple 2%, flaxseed 2%, linseed oil 1%
12.77 SR 12.77 SAR
Carnilove Pouch Rabbit Enriched with Marigold for Kittens 85g
Carnilove Pouch Rabbit Enriched with Marigold for Kittens 85g. COMPOSITION: 85% meat in fillets (71% chicken, 14% rabbit), 12% broth, 1% marigold, 1% linseed oil, 0.5% minerals, 0.5% vegetable starch. ANALYTICAL CONSTITUENTS: crude protein 9.5 %, crude fat 4.5 %, crude fibres 0.5 %, crude ash 2.5 %, moisture 82.0 %, calcium 0.15 %, phosphorus 0.2 %, sodium 0.3 %, omega...
7.83 SR 7.83 SAR
Carnilove Pouch Quail Enriched with Dandelion for Sterilized Cats 85g
Carnilove Pouch Quail Enriched with Dandelion for Sterilized Cats 85g. Soft food with pieces of wild meat in the form of fillets. A complete feed or a delicious supplement for pellets. Unique types of meat. No grains, no potatoes, no GMOs, no soy, no sugar, no preservatives and no dyes. With a high meat content of 85%.

Hypoallergenic and very easily digestible quail meat protects the heart and circulatory system thanks to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. High selenium content protects cells from oxidative stress, improving the quality of skin, joints and brain. Dandelions have anti-inflammatory effects due to their high antioxidant content and have a beneficial effect on the health of the skin, heart, urinary tract and gums. It lowers cholesterol in the blood, protecting the heart and circulatory system while lowering blood glucose levels.
6.00 SR 6.0 SAR
Carnilove Turkey & Salmon for Kittens 100g
Carnilove Turkey & Salmon for Kittens 100g. With a unique composition of white muscle meat Carnilove cat cans provide a delicious and healthy food that respects cats’ natural nutritional needs.

Choose from a wide variety of wild meat flavours. Balanced holistic formulas to satisfy cats’ instinctive love of meat.

Grain and potato free
No artificial aromas. No Preservatives.
Wild origin meats with forest fruits
55% wild origin ingredients
Key features:

With kittens, it is of critical importance to choose food rich in quality proteins, fats, vitamins, and essential nutrients for healthy growth and optimal body development.
The recipe is based on salmon and turkey, sources of essential amino acids, which in combination with forests fruits and salmon oil provide essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants every day for proper development of the skeleton, muscles, and natural immunity.35% turkey meat, turkey liver, turkey hearts, 20% salmon, 2% pea flour, 1% cranberries, 1% lignocellulose, 0.2% salmon oil

No artificial aromas. No Preservatives.
6.90 SR 6.9 SAR
Carnilove Turkey & Salmon for Adult Cats 100g
Carnilove Turkey & Salmon for Adult Cats has been formulated with respect for the natural composition of the feline diet. Turkey is rich in digestible proteins and has high levels of trace elements, such as zinc, and also contains vitamins B3 and B6, which are critical for proper brain function, good muscle tone, and healthy growth. The meat and fat of salmon are ideal sources of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and also have a positive impact on the quality of hair and skin. Moreover, salmon protein is nonallergenic, so it’s an ideal source of food for cats with sensitive digestion. With forest fruits and salmon oil, the formula provides the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants essential to maintaining top physical condition and building natural immunity every day.Composition
35% turkey meat, turkey liver, turkey hearts, broth, 20% salmon, 1% cranberries, 1% minerals, 0.1% salmon oil.
6.90 SR 6.9 SAR
Carnilove Salmon & Turkey for Kitten-Healthy Growth
Carnilove Salmon & Turkey for Kitten-Healthy Growth. With kittens, it is of critical importance to choose food rich in quality proteins, fats, vitamins, and essential nutrients for healthy growth and optimal body development. Carnilove Turkey & Salmon for Kittens has been formulated with respect for the natural composition of the feline diet. The recipe is based on salmon and turkey, sources of essential amino acids, which in combination with forests fruits and salmon oil provide essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants every day for proper development of the skeleton, muscles, and natural immunity.Composition
35% turkey meat, turkey liver, turkey hearts, 20% salmon, 2% pea flour, 1% cranberries, 1% lignocellulose, 0.2% salmon oil.
20.55 SR 20.55 SAR
Carnilove Fresh Carp & Trout Sterilized for Adult Cats
Carnilove Fresh Carp & Trout Sterilized for Adult Cats, Grain-free & Potato-free Formula with Fresh Meat for Adult Cats.

Complete Cat Food.


Unique and independent creatures, cats are meat eaters, full-blooded predators whose way of life is determined by a strong hunting instinct.

Carnilove Fresh Carp & Trout has been formulated with respect for the laws of nature and provides your feline companion with balanced nutrition rich in fresh fish and seafood combined with a variety of vegetables, berries and herbs. The controlled mineral content supports proper kidney and urinary tract function, while natural antioxidants obtained from fruits and herbs have cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. Returning to a natural diet helps keep sterilised cats in top physical condition.


fresh carp (25%), dried trout (20%), hydrolyzed salmon (14%), dried salmon (12%), pumpkin, chicken fat (preserved with tocopherols, 4%), chickpeas, peas, chicken liver (3%), salmon oil (2%), apples, carrots, flaxseed, hydrolyzed crustacean shells (a source of glucosamine, 0.026%), cartilage extract (a source of chondroitin, 0.016%), brewer’s yeast (a source of mannan-oligosaccharides, 0.015%), chicory root (a source of fructo-oligosaccharides, 0.012%), yucca schidigera (0.01%), algae (0.01%), psyllium (0.01%), thyme (0.01%), rosemary (0.01%), oregano (0.01%), cranberries (0.0008%), blueberries (0.0008%), sea buckthorn (0.0008%), ginger root (0.0008%), sage (0.0008%)
20.55 SR 20.55 SAR
Carnilove True Fresh Dry Food Chicken for Adult & Sterilized Cats
Carnilove True Fresh Chicken with buckwheat & lentils is a complete formula with fresh meat for adult cats. Suitable for sterilised cats. Enriched with cranberries, thyme, and rosemary.

Made exclusively with Fresh Meat – NO meat meals.
Cranberries, sea buckthorn, and blueberries support a healthy urine pH and urinary tract.
Contains 70% fresh meat processed straight from fresh meat.
Antioxidants in cranberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, and lemna improve various immune functions and help to protect the body from infections.
Grain-Free & Potato Free.
For adult cats.Fresh chicken (70%), pea protein, red lentils, buckwheat (4%), natural flavours, chicken fat, salmon oil (1%), sodium chloride, potassium chloride, dried kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum, 0.5%), Lemna protein (0.5%), pea flour, dried sea buckthorn (0.2%), dried ginger root (0.1%), dried blueberries (0.1%), dried rosemary (0.1%), dried cranberries (0.1%), dried thyme (0.1%), brewer’s yeast (a source of mannan-oligosaccharides, 0.015%), chicory roots (a source of fructo-oligosaccharides, 0.015%), Mojave yucca (0.008%)
65.70 SR 65.7 SAR
Free shipping for orders above 150 SAR